Dieting on Vacation

Apr 30th '14 08:58 AM
I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks and even though I won't be in a place where I think the food will be SO tempting, I am nervous about how to not overdo it. Any tips from when you have gone away and you were successful in keeping your "vacation diet" under control?
May 2nd '14 16:04 PM
Keep the moderation going. That is the hardest thing I have an issue with when I am away from home and tend to forget about it. I don't starve myself either. If I am paying for a vacation (and I know I need one) then I am just going to be observant, I am not going overboard about it.
May 2nd '14 21:54 PM
I thought I replied to this sorry.

I've not faced the problem but I think I would try and enjoy my holiday but hold some self control.
May 3rd '14 04:31 AM
I was successful this last time because we rented a condo with a kitchen in it and then bought food from the grocery store. When I have stayed in hotel rooms and had to eat out all the time, on the other hand, I pretty much blew my diet!
May 3rd '14 10:14 AM
Quote by MandaBear:
I was successful this last time because we rented a condo with a kitchen in it and then bought food from the grocery store. When I have stayed in hotel rooms and had to eat out all the time, on the other hand, I pretty much blew my diet!
Great idea MandaBear!! I think if I can maybe cook some while we're gone, then it will help me keep control. We will have access to a kitchen, so I think I will try and cook about 50% of the time. The tips on "moderation" are really good to keep in mind. Maybe I will put something on the bathroom mirror that says "MODERATION!!".