We need a new sub forum!

Feb 12th '14 11:06 AM
Called 'Stop Starters' or something like that

Sometimes life gets in the way of eating right. Why does it have to be so hard

Never did make it to the first SW group. Time to regroup and get back on it
Feb 12th '14 12:00 PM
LOL Mitch ... I'd definitely be a member of that one!! Good luck with restarting! X
Feb 12th '14 14:07 PM
I think I would be a regular in there too!

Good luck with getting back on track

Feb 12th '14 14:09 PM
Ha ha!! That's awesome. I'd be in there, too. Or maybe a sub-forum called "Fell off the wagon" or "Getting back on the wagon" or something like that. I swear I mess my diet up more than I do right on it!
Feb 12th '14 14:33 PM
you know, I think you're right we quite often have naughty corner threads, particularly after the weekend! I'll mention it
Feb 12th '14 14:40 PM
That could be really helpful. Then we'll know that we aren't struggling with that on our own. I mess up all the time and then feel bad and forget how normal it is and that everyone does it. I like the idea of a confession forum. We can spit out the naughty details and then vow to behave again.