How many of you aren't eating ground beef?

Feb 5th '14 15:10 PM
Ground beef has been a staple of our diet for years now. Even as a kid, it was something we ate almost daily. Now that I'm paying a lot more attention to the nutrition labels, I'm noticing that even lean ground beef isn't really that healthy. I'm thinking of switching to ground chicken or ground turkey. Has anyone else here done that? If so, how does ground poultry do in place of ground beef?
Feb 5th '14 17:26 PM
I think you can definitely cut your calories and fat intake if you switch it to chicken and turkey. What I like to do is, leave the ground beef for a treat or something. Don't make it every night and you will see it as a reward. Yes, you will lose the weight if you cut down on pork as well as beef.
Feb 5th '14 18:52 PM
What you can do, if you have a food processor, is buy a nice eye of round or sirloin and make your own. I've done this in the past and have also made my own ground/minced chicken.
Feb 5th '14 20:47 PM
I have tried to make the switch but I just can't. I don't like the taste of ground turkey or chicken. I have tried it numerous times. I always buy the 90% ground beef. We don't eat a ton of it so I'm not going to worry about it.
Feb 5th '14 21:11 PM
We don't have any kind of ground meat very often, but I did buy some ground beef a while back and was surprised how expensive it was!
Feb 5th '14 23:49 PM
Certain foods do very well with ground chicken or turkey. I prefer ground turkey over ground chicken, though. I love it in soups and lasagna. I've found that cutting out meats or just reducing the ratio helps.
Feb 6th '14 03:49 AM
I still eat ground beef sometimes. I also like bacon, but we all know how fattening bacon can be. So now I eat turkey bacon instead. It still tastes good.
Feb 7th '14 00:01 AM
I don't eat bacon too often, but when I do, I prefer the real deal. The turkey bacon isn't too horrible but.... oh, man, stay away from the chicken bacon. It is awful!
Feb 7th '14 01:06 AM
I use mostly ground turkey, but I do still use the 90/10 ground sirloin. I have made my own with really lean beef as well. I don't honestly notice too much of a difference in most things.
Feb 7th '14 11:25 AM
We use ground beef, but not that often. I'll be honest, I think that beef has been demonized. I'd sooner have my calories from a natural food that has fats that my body can use, than something horrendously processed beyond anything that my body recognizes as food.