Skim Milk

Jan 15th '14 14:33 PM
Do you drink skim milk for the lower calories? I used to, until I read that having a bit more milk fat helps with absorbing the calcium and vitamin D. Now I drink 2%.
Jan 15th '14 19:30 PM
I don't like skim milk. It is just too watered down for me. I tried to switch once but the kids wouldn't budge. They went without milk for two days. I don't know if 2% is good for you or not but it is what we drink.
Jan 15th '14 22:23 PM
I do but I am thinking about moving back up to semi-skimmed, will look at the 2% one you mention though next time I'm in the shop. Fed up of buying 2 different milks now
Jan 15th '14 22:51 PM
I use semi skim milk always!
Jan 18th '14 14:54 PM
I used to use skim milk but I don't have any these days as I've gone off it. I've heard that the whole milk is better though.