Would you ever consider bariatric surgery?

Dec 29th '13 16:32 PM
Three people that I know have had stomach surgery for weight loss. Two of them lost a massive amount of weight in a short period of time but after about a year they started to gain it all back. They started to eat more and more until they stretched the stomach pouch back out again.

One woman that I worked with had a lot of success, lost about 100 pounds, but now she looks like skin and bones. She suffers from frequent upset stomachs and is sick all the time.
Dec 29th '13 17:42 PM
My life would have to change drastically in order for that to happen. As things currently stand, I don't think I'm even heavy enough to qualify, and since diet and exercise appear to be helping, I don't see a reason to undergo weight loss surgery.
Dec 29th '13 18:52 PM
Yeah, same as Olivia. I don't think I would ever be at the point I would consider it. I have a friend that had it and they were warned how dangerous it can be. I think even if I was that bad I would put everything in to dieting before I would consider it.
Dec 29th '13 19:05 PM
I think for health reasons I would consider it (health problems you can't control). I've read the risks though and they are frightening so it can't be an easy decision for any one to make!
Dec 30th '13 08:54 AM
I would consider it if I were overweight enough to qualify and if I was experiencing serious health problems related to being overweight, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. I wouldn't consider it just for vanity's sake, though.
Dec 30th '13 17:11 PM
I know a few people that have had this done too. One of them didn't follow instructions and make any lifestyle changes along with the surgery and ended up gaining the weight back. My cousin had the surgery and she is one of the happiest people on the planet now. She is much healthier. I don't think they do the surgery unless you're at least a hundred pounds overweight.
Dec 30th '13 17:43 PM
The only way that I would consider it is if I was one of those people on the TV shows where someone has to come in and lift me out of my house. I think for everyone else, we can all get to where we need to be by traditional methods.
Dec 30th '13 23:08 PM
I don't think I have a need for it, I just need to get back on the ball and get to bouncing. A friend of mine had it but he had weight troubles for his entire life and nothing worked for him.
Jan 2nd '14 10:05 AM
The risks sound so scary so I don't think I could. I would try every diet before I did. I understand some people do have to though.
Jan 2nd '14 12:31 PM
I would consider it, like some other people were saying, if (1.) I qualified for it and (2.) I'd really put 100% effort into losing weight for a long time and hadn't seen any results. Some people really can't get the weight off through diet and exercise alone.