Low salt

Dec 10th '13 20:43 PM
I know I use too much salt but everything tastes bland without it. I've been trying to cut back on it when I cook and I've been buying low sodium versions of things when I find them. I haven't tried any of the salt substitutes yet. Any good?
Dec 10th '13 21:45 PM
I think my grandparents use lo-salt which is meant to be lower in sodium. I think sea salt is meant to be better too
Dec 11th '13 22:05 PM
I can't stand salt substitute. I usually go with fresh veggies, spices, and spice mixes. For a "salty" taste in my dishes, I caramelize onions, garlic, and peppers to boost the flavor. It isn't salt, but the flavor more than makes up for it!
Dec 19th '13 10:14 AM
I think it is better to use salt than using salt substitutes.I have not used them personally ,but i have heard that they are no that god for your health.
Dec 19th '13 11:51 AM
Quote by Poppy:
I can't stand salt substitute. I usually go with fresh veggies, spices, and spice mixes. For a "salty" taste in my dishes, I caramelize onions, garlic, and peppers to boost the flavor. It isn't salt, but the flavor more than makes up for it!
That's interesting. Might try that.

I like salt but try not to over do it. I don't like the idea of substitutes. Substitutes in (my mind) usually mean man made compounds and chemicals. I prefer to trust nature

Salt isn't that bad for you in small quantities. When dieting it can cause you to retain water, but that isn't real weight gain, is it? Guess that's why you have to drink lots of water to flush it out
Dec 19th '13 14:45 PM
That's the main reason I've been cutting back on salt, Mitch. I noticed my feet swelling at the end of the day. I cut back on sodium about a month ago and it stopped happening. I've been using the coarser ground sea salt and I don't have to use nearly as much as I was using before.

Good tips, everyone. I agree that salt substitutes could be worse than just going ahead and eating salt. Reading labels is so important.