Cutting down on meat

Feb 20th '15 21:21 PM
I have decided to try to cut down on my meat consumption as I feel like I eat a lot just out of habit really. I think I eat too many eggs too. I tried some Quorn mince today which was a lot different to the mince Im used to eating, but was quite nice. I also tried Quorn sausages which were delicious! I wish I had discovered them earlier! I have also been replacing meat with kidney beans and I've found the extra carbs gave me much more energy for the gym.

Anyone else trying to cut down on meat? What kind of products do you like to replace with?

Feb 23rd '15 11:01 AM
This answers my question in yoru journal ....

Oddly the PT from Bot camp has upped my protein which includes a lot of me and eggs really. Protein is up any way as he said I wasn't getting enough and oddly I seem to have come out of the plateau in less than a week following it (the best I can).

I like quorn in chilli but I always want other bad things with it

The Linda McCartney sausages are meant to be nice.

As far as real meat goes until recently I had no idea there was such things as chicken sausages... where have I been?