Frozen yogurt

Feb 21st '14 10:26 AM
I have found a new love. A place called Yoberry has opened in the next town over. It is a frozen yogurt bar. I get fruits and yogurt. My kids load their yogurt up with all kinds of goodies. How bad is frozen yogurt for you?
Feb 21st '14 11:06 AM
I think frozen yoghurt shouldn't be too bad. It is a much healthier choice than ice cream. I used to freeze my own yoghurt from the shop and it was delicious!
Feb 21st '14 11:20 AM
In fairness, by calorie count, even ice cream can be OK. But yes, a fat free frozen yogurt is very healthy, full of protein (and often the vitamins from fruit) and with a low calorie count.
Feb 21st '14 18:55 PM
As long as you don't eat it for full meals or anything, you should be fine. I only say that because someone I know used to do that! Go light on the sugar toppings as well.
Feb 21st '14 20:00 PM
I found that love about a month ago, my husband does not like it but he is outnumbered. For me it is a sweet treat that I can nibble on instead of ice cream. It has a different taste that I first imagined but it is still good.
Feb 21st '14 20:16 PM
I wish there was a frozen yogurt shop around me. I love frozen yogurt, especially with fruit added in. Frozen yogurt is healthier than ice cream.
Feb 23rd '14 03:42 AM
Depending on what goes into it, frozen yogurt can actually be very good for you. The toppings, however, not so much. I have a lot of difficulty not adding any toppings. I just get different kinds of yogurt instead.
Feb 23rd '14 13:30 PM
There used to be a frozen yoghurt place near me, but I only went once cos it was so expensive! It closed after about a year it is healthier than ice cream, but the tendency is to eat more cos it's healthy, or load it with sweets and chocolate, so sometimes it doesn't actually work out any better
Feb 24th '14 03:00 AM
Froyo places are super popular in the US. My brother in law hopped on it as quick as he could and started a company. He's done very well with it. I don't know if it will hold--TCBY was very popular in the nineties, but disappeared off the map ten years later. Time will tell. Personally, I like it. It's nice to have healthier options for my ice cream fix.
Feb 24th '14 18:49 PM
I think that ice cream gets a bad name, because some of it can actually be healthier than frozen yogurt. That being said I would watch our portion sizes and still work on "everything in moderation". Just because something has less calories doesn't mean you should eat it all the time. It should be a treat from time to time.