Slimming World Fit Log

Apr 2nd '17 23:54 PM
Now the lighter evenings are here I can get out on my bike more.

I thought I'd have a go at a Gold Award. 5 x 30min sessions per week should be doable. As long as it doesn't lash it down on consecutive days I should be OK.

Started Saturday and again today and so far covered 22 miles.

Apr 15th '17 08:03 AM
Two weeks done. Just started week three and it's going well.

On the odd day that you would possibly miss it's good to have that little bit of extra motivation to keep you going.

Come on you lot. Get up off the couch and do something.
And by the way, walking up the stairs to go to bed isn't exercise.


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Slimming World Fit Log-screen-shot-2017-04-15-07.51.39.png  

Apr 26th '17 13:20 PM
How are you getting on? I so need to get back out on my road bike... a new exercise I gave up on easily because the gears frustrate the hell out of me! ha
Apr 28th '17 06:22 AM
Quote by Wobbles:
How are you getting on? I so need to get back out on my road bike... a new exercise I gave up on easily because the gears frustrate the hell out of me! ha

You could always try a "Fixie" Wobbles.

Progress is, er, progressing. Now half way to Gold and have clocked up 150 miles.


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Slimming World Fit Log-screen-shot-2017-04-27-13.11.08.png  

Apr 29th '17 08:42 AM
Well done Paul, that's amazing!
I have to admit I've been making an effort to try to walk places more often, and apart from the cold and windy weather, I'm enjoying the extra fresh air lol

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Apr 29th '17 10:47 AM
That's great! Well done

May 24th '17 17:37 PM
Eight weeks and 300 odd miles later and I've got my pot of GOLD.

Screen Shot from part of the Fitlog page of Slimming World.


why do only mods reply to threads?

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Slimming World Fit Log-screen-shot.jpg  

May 24th '17 21:19 PM
Woohoo!! Awesome work Paul! You and Aileen have both done amazing!

And as for the ps, I've no idea... it's a little quiet here recently

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May 25th '17 08:41 AM
Wow Paul that is awesome, nice one

Bev & Sarah are both members it's just they help other running's of the forum ... it's getting people chatting in other areas of the forum, slowly people start to venture out when they see others chatting. I get frustrated too as healthy and fitness is a big part of who I am, I love chatting about it but for now the majority is SW chats... I get excited when something other than SW props up I've had a really chaos year so admittedly not enough time has been spent working on SS but it is now a priority.
May 26th '17 20:50 PM
Ah well done paul what an achievement! X