Walking For Fitness

Jan 23rd '17 13:12 PM
Weekend walking was well down. I had a bad dental appointment Friday ... the short story I have quite a sore and cut mouth. I've been ordered to no exercise and I was up and down over the weekend but I can't stay 'inactive' so I'm out today doing some slow walks again to catch up. Walk 1 done. Another short walk in about an hour and maybe on later this evening.

My gym partner and I came first again on the table for the last forfeit although this landmark meant the winner [us] had to pick another team to do a 100 calorie bike burn ... we picked my buddies boyfriend and best friend who were teamed together they didn't mind though and there was less guilt there vs picking another pair!

The next landmarks are:
Tomorrow - Team in 3rd place has to do 30 burpee box jumps
Wednesday - The team in last place has to do 100 burpees


I think with me being off the weekend we could end up close to 3rd but I'm hoping we will be well away form last on Wednesday. I'll cry!
Jan 24th '17 14:23 PM
20,888 steps clocked on the fitbit yesterday... I aimed for 25 but I was wiped out and just couldn't push myself for that last walk in the evening.

Today I don't think I'll reach my goal which is higher. I really need different shoes for this . One long walk done, normal steps counted in (house work, been to Tesco) about to walk into town ... there's a small outdoor sports shop there, might check out the shoes before heading over for a Costa coffee to keep me going back up to the house.

I'll be glad when this is over but for me I'm not competitive against others, I am with myself so I've taken this as a personal boot up backside to challenge myself to avoid the forfeits. Winning to me isn't first it's avoiding and hopefully a drop in my body fat % ... 2% down would make me happy. Will see!
Jan 24th '17 15:00 PM
Oh my! Those forfeits are evil!

So sorry to hear you've been suffering after the dentist I dislike the dentists for that reason!

But great that you've slowly gotten back into your walking

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Jan 25th '17 12:20 PM
26,152 steps yesterday - 8548 steps less than I wanted. I just could not push myself out that door last night again.

I got myself some new walking shoes though, makes all the difference from my flay gym Nike shoes.

Waiting for an update on the forfeits but the ones I wanted to avoid the most are now over (based on those results) so I'm going to calm down.

What it has pointed out to me is how inactive I am and actually I have liked the walking ... maybe not so much of it though
Jan 25th '17 21:55 PM
Glad the walking shoes are making a difference
and that you are enjoying the walking! I would have to agree with so much of it though... I enjoy a nice brisk walk, but 30k steps a day is too much for me
Feb 1st '17 14:40 PM
Ended up with an infection which knocked me back down again but doing ok.

Week 1 - 140,034 steps
Week 2 - 135,935 steps
Week 3 - 104,302 steps ... so my ill time showed

Avoided the last 2 forfeits though wohooooo!

Now we are waiting on the team in 3rd place who picks a team below them on the table to do 100 wallballs. I have no idea where we could be on this. I added 30,911 steps to that count Monday & Tuesday, no idea what others or my team bud have done BUT he's now said there are some surprise forfeits for the team with the least improvement on their steps. FFs is what I say to that. I couldn't have pushed myself more than I done, I've been in so much pain. So waiting

It's kinda fun but I am very real to avoiding these extras right now. I just don't want them
Feb 1st '17 21:16 PM
Your steps are amazing!!

Feb 3rd '17 14:10 PM
Won't be so good next week... I can't wait to put my normal watch on

Coach has been busy so no idea who has forfeits etc but weekend & Monday then it's all over. I can't see us being first so there will be a forfeit at the end set by the team with the most steps but I'm all up for that. I aimed to miss the burpees so I'm silently hoping whoever is given control doesn't put them in ...
Feb 13th '17 12:20 PM
Well I ended my challenge on 500,022 steps in 4 weeks.

Our coach has been really busy this last couple of weeks therefore we have had no update on the last handful of forfeits but either way it got my bum moving and have learnt to step away from my PC for half hour in the day to stretch my legs and grab some fresh air.

I was glad to get the FitBit off though. Back to wearing it when I'm on a session, cycling or walking... I can't stand it on my wrist all day!
Feb 13th '17 14:39 PM
That's amazing Wobbles! Well done!

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