Do you enjoy the gym?

Nov 22nd '15 21:03 PM
Hi everyone, just a little curious as to whether you prefer to train in a gym or in the comfort of your own homes? Just would like a few opinions and reasons as to why you prefer training in either the gym or at home ☺️ Thank you in advance ☺️
Nov 24th '15 16:19 PM
I prefer training at the gym as there are machines and equipment there that I don't have at home. But it does take some effort to get my backside out of the door lol.

Having said that, I did quite get in to doing exercise DVD's a while back, mostly 30 day shred. But I do like the motivation of doing a class with other people there.
Jan 18th '16 21:29 PM
Yes of course i enjoy at the gym because in the gym you can lose your weight and make your body perfect easily. I think everyone enjoy the exercise at the gym. I do daily exercise in the gym.
Jan 26th '16 20:13 PM
The gym because I'm forced to workout as everyone else is and I don't have the temptation to lay in bed and flake out on my workout haha!
Jan 26th '16 23:14 PM
I have done both in the past, even bought some machines for at home (exercise bike etc). BUT for motivation it has to be the gym. I've got to know some people in classes, the gym staff etc so I can say hello and pass the time of day etc.
I push myself harder, in a class with an instructor they push you and you respond I think.

Also I work well to 'plans' so running plans like couch to 5k, or weight lifting plans like 5x5, 5,3,1. (google if you want to know more as they're well covered).

I like goals and to meet them.
Dec 9th '16 04:25 AM
We'll, when its a weekday, home is better due to time constraints, but during weekends, i prefer to go to the gym.
Dec 10th '16 13:15 PM
I used to enjoy the gym but I haven't been in a few years now.

Dec 12th '16 10:13 AM
I find the gym repetitive, even boring. I did a heart rehab course at my local hospital gym and followed on with the same sort of thing run by volunteers. Full marks to the staff for running the schemes and it was reassuring to exercise with medical staff at hand.
The machine I liked the most was the exercise bike so it was that that lead me to buying a bike for the road. I was given a turbo trainer but again, set up in the garage, who wants to work out staring at a garage wall. It's also too easy to give up. There, that's enough. I'll go and make a cup of tea now.

Out on the country lanes is a totally different experience. I do a circular route so once half way there's no turning back. Being out in the fresh air seems to add to the experience and seeing other people to shout "good morning/afternoon" to makes my day.

Struggling at the moment as I've just moved up a gear (pardon the pun) and bought a road bike (second hand) so got to get used to it. Hopefully more miles and smiles to come.

Good luck in whatever you do. Its can only make weight loss easier.

You could always do what a bloke I know does. He runs to the gym, doesn't go in, then runs home. He says he saves a fortune.

Mar 21st '17 14:30 PM
Yes, why not?
Its the best thing happened to me. It increase my health and metabolism system. I love working out.
Mar 21st '17 15:16 PM
sherry pro
That's tricky . Well i'd rather prefer any of these that has complete equipment's,barbells and dumbbells.Since I am not that rich to buy all these, I'd rather go and train in the gym !