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Strenght Training At Home As Well As Gym?

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' Forum started by Wobbles, Jul 10th, 2013 at 13:45 PM.
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Jul 10th, 2013, 13:45 PM  
Join Date: May 2013
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Strenght Training At Home As Well As Gym?

So I do strength training 2 days a weeks at the gym. Would I continue to lose weight if I did more at home through the summer holidays?

I do 2 strength days and at least 1 cardio a week... 1 cardio is all I will have time for until the kids are back at school. So I was thinking of 2 mini workouts at home the other days:
Bench dumbbells using the foot puff LOL
Squats with dumbbells

I am limited to 1kg and 2.5kg dumbbells though (that is all I have at home).

What could I do to replace Bicep curls and Tricep pushdowns at home?

Here is what I do at the 2 days at the gym:
Swiss ball squats with weights - 3kg... up as I get use to it and don't feel I'm gonna slide off the ball
Dumbbells bench press - 4kg can up but I've struggled with getting my arms right so far, odd
V-Traction - 20kg I'm back to
Bicep Curls - 5kg... can up once then only up reps
Tricep Pushdowns/rope - 5kg... can up once then only up reps
Upper back - 15kg
Thera-crunches - this is weird I move weights around as I get use to it then end up with no weights on
Russian twists - medium ball

I have a couple of inches and lbs to lose until maintain so will extra strength be a bad idea?


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