Couch to 5k

Jan 14th '15 21:31 PM
Hey just wondering if anyone has done the couch to 5k??
I've signed up for the race for life very close to my heart at the moment and want to achieve being able to run it, health depending as its in May.

Fitness level at the moment is awful but have started walking, we have a huge hill in our village and its used daily by runners/walkers so have been walking that almost daily. Going swimming on Sunday "cringe" but I really want to do this.

Any help would be greatly received
Jan 14th '15 21:39 PM
I just went for it one day. Did what I could, stopped into a walked as many times as I needed and gradually built up. Have heard these plans are food though!

I was told if how much I struggled was a scale of 7/8 of 10 to bring it down until I felt back to 3/4 and pave up again. I soon started challenging myself when running alone.
Jan 15th '15 17:16 PM
I tried doing the couch-to-5K once before but once I got to the jogging bit, I pulled the muscle in my lower back and wound up couch-bound for about a month. I plan to try it again but I won't be jogging or running; I'm just going to walk the whole time and focus on building up to that distance instead.
Jan 15th '15 21:18 PM
I've tried the Couch-to-5K before, too. It's a fun way to build up from nothing to walking a 5K and I finished by doing a Color Run race here locally.
Jan 15th '15 22:31 PM
The colour run race looks amazing.
I do really need to do this, not started yet with the actual training as have had no time at all but I intend to start on Monday when my weak gets easier :-)
Jan 16th '15 08:36 AM
I have had the app on my phone for over a year but never actually even started it!
It sounds great though. Best of luck with it!

Jan 16th '15 08:58 AM
I have the app too, and I'm determined to start it, it's just getting the time to do it when j get some me time which is far and few between!!! Lol
Jan 21st '15 15:49 PM
Hi, I started it last week today I did week 2 run 2 and was surprised at how well i managed to keep up, I'm enjoying it so far! Good luck x
Jan 28th '16 08:30 AM
I'm in week 5 of it now. Tired and sore but making good progress.
Jan 28th '16 09:45 AM
Hi, C25k is a fantastic app, it doesn't take long - but you do need to prioritise it - especially in early weeks to form a habit.

I find setting a time / date with the gym or where I run outdoors helps. Having my gym kit at the ready, and doing it .. no excuses.

I started running again on 28th Dec after promising my teen we'd do a race for life this year, she's 16.. runs faster than me but we head out together and meet up at the end for cool down. So I run alone. it's wonderful for clearing your head, and the buzz after is amazing.