Exercising Indoors

Nov 8th '13 06:08 AM
The weather is changing so it is time to start exercising indoors if you can't afford a gym or if you want to avoid the germs found in gyms. I often put on loud music and dance for a good twenty minutes. I also use my Wii Fit, do crunches and run in place on my exercise mat. Do you have any other ideas?
Nov 8th '13 13:45 PM
I do kettlebell workouts. I have a kettlebell and a workout DVD that I use, although the DVD isn't essential as you can find workouts online. I also have an exercise bike at home which I use sometimes although not as much as I should!
Nov 8th '13 18:30 PM
This is where my combat training from Matt Furey comes in handy. He's got a book where he shows you how to do a lot of exercises that build muscles and strength without using any weights!
Nov 8th '13 19:46 PM
Stairs are awesome for a workout. You just have to run up and down them. You can also do exercises standing on one stair. Look up stair exercises so you get a demonstration. Running up and down builds up your stamina, endurance and works on your leg muscles.