Carb intolerance?

Jul 12th '13 10:28 AM
I'm starting to think more and more that this may be something I suffer with. After i eat carbs i'm terribly bloated and suffer with stomach cramps and wind, especially after potatoes.

After my "takeaway weekend" last weekend on monday morning i was almost crippled by the pains in my stomach, and coz i'd had a lot of carbs (chippy chips and pizza etc) i assume it was down to that.

I know it's good to cut out carbs anyway but is it something u can do long term? I'm starting to choose not to have them purely because of the pains i get instead of weightloss benefits but i wonder if its something I could do forever as I've always bren a bad carbie.

Anyone else suffer the same?
Jul 12th '13 12:41 PM
It's certainly possible. I've always felt quite bloated and gassy after carbs but always struggled to give them up. Maybe try a few days without them to see if that's definitely the problem
Jul 12th '13 15:08 PM
Yeah I'm pretty certain it's the carbs because I've always suffered with the cramps etc. I'll see what happens after a few days tho!

Jul 16th '13 15:16 PM
I'm terrible after potatoes especially

Pizza etc would give me IBS (not always suffered but things got worse)... now if I have pizza from a take away I too am crippled with it. I think some of it's about controlling how much to have. I think with starting to eat more healthily too when you put something like that away your body really doesn't like it x
Jul 17th '13 10:14 AM
potatoes are the worst!! It's soo bad.

Yeah that's so true, learning that just coz u have a takeaway doesnt mean u have to pig out

I was please sunday coz Paul had takeaway and i didn't no sore belly for me the next day haha!

Jul 17th '13 11:07 AM
Yay on avoiding the takeaway! That takes some doing to say no to a takeaway when your partner is having one!
Jul 17th '13 20:33 PM
Well to be blunt last time we had pizza it did make me bad but it also ran straight through my backside funnily enough not had one since LOL
Jul 18th '13 00:17 AM
LOL i wish I couldnt relate to that, unfortunately i do