Weight loss got too slow

May 10th '15 10:12 AM
Hi. I just don't know what to do. I have lost weight before. It took me 2 years, I exercised and ate around 1300 kcal a day and lost 15 kg (went from 64 to 49 kg). I maintained this weight for a few years. I used to run a lot and had lots of muscle mass which added my weight (up to 62kg). I got pregnant last year and had a baby. My weight after the baby was 74kg. I started my calorie counting this January. Today I weight around 59.5 kg. But the thing is, first two months I lost around 4kg a month, but this last month I managed to lose only 2kg. I can't add more exercise yet, as I am usually very tired by the time my baby is asleep. I have a treadmill, but my neighbors don't like me using it evening time, and during the day I got no one to babysit. I walk every day for at least 1.5-2 hours with him. When he gets older, I intend to start running again. I am just getting frustrated with this slowed down weight loss. I tried to change my calorie intake to increase my metabolism, but it didn't really help. I don't know, what else can I do? Cut my carbs intake? Or go high protein? Anyone has been through this or has any advice? I eat around 1100-1400 kcal a day, depending on how much I walk that day.
May 10th '15 15:59 PM
Are you losing inches instead of weight?The closer you get to target the harder it is to loss those pesky lbs.

2kg = about 4lb which is a lb a week and that is still a good amount to loss in a month.

Have you been keeping track of your measurements. You building your muscles up which IMO is worth a lot more than what the scales say.
May 10th '15 16:19 PM
Only my waist and hips to be honest, I usually try on old clothes to see if they fit and take pictures of my back, front and side. I guess I am too impatient, I know by the end of the year I will definitely reach my goal weight, it's just I wish it happened sooner :/ I want to try add some strength training workouts soon, I had a c section which made me wait 3 months before I could exercise and my core is still too weak for beginners workouts, when I used to do advanced stuff easily.
May 10th '15 19:04 PM
Hi and welcome to Social Slimmers!

Maybe you need to up your calories a bit. I found that I wasn't losing much but when I increased my calories that seemed to kickstart things

Oct 4th '15 10:18 AM
1300 really doesn't sound like much. If you are nervous about eating more, start with just 100 calories then the next week, increase it. Have you tried a BMR calculator? Google it online. It works out how many calories you need to maintain the weight you are now then you remove 500 for the amount you should be eating to lose weight.
Mar 9th '16 16:21 PM
How are you getting on April? x
Mar 28th '16 14:03 PM
Just keep doing what you did last year, i am sure 1300 calories and exercise per day will lose you weight
May 4th '17 11:28 AM
I have the same problem.. I lost 11 kg in 6 months and now it is very difficult to lose pounds.. Why? Do I need more exercises?
Feb 5th '18 20:21 PM
Feb 10th '18 18:17 PM
How about using the treadmill when the baby is asleep for his afternoon nap or asking someone to just watch over for an hour or so. I am sure a neighbour wouldn't mind or how about using the treadmill before evening.