Heart rate monitor + calorie counting

Feb 18th '14 19:38 PM
Everyone says we need to burn more calories off than what we ingest. Is it worth buying a heart rate monitor? I know I can count calories that I eat and drink until my face turns blue but I am having a problem finding one device that will track everything I do.
Feb 19th '14 09:44 AM
I think it's worth it. I bought one a while back and used it religiously for a while. I shouldn't have ever stopped! It was great for keeping track of how many calories you burn when you're working out. The numbers always came out way different than online calculators.
Feb 19th '14 10:24 AM
I have a Polar heart rate monitor and I love it! It shows that I burn a lot more calories than the guides estimate which explained why i was always so hungry and couldn't stick to a diet!

It's so motivating seeing the amount of calories you burn

Feb 19th '14 11:37 AM
I have a heart rate calorie counter to use alongside my FitBit, but I've never set it up. I really must, as I hear that they are far more accurate at giving you an idea of what you're burning.
Feb 19th '14 12:42 PM
I am really thinking about either getting one or taking the Fitbit back and getting one. I have looked at both the Polar and the Zephyr since I am pretty sure (if I am remembering the right ones) both work with a Windows Phone which is what I need. Does anyone know if both work for biking? I need that too.
Mar 9th '14 16:28 PM
Stephen Reed
Heart rate monitors are fab, but I'm personally not convinced that they are good for attempting to calculate energy expenditure, they are not that accurate, and even if you get a reasonable one, the energy you will burn through exercise is so insignificant in the scheme of things, it's sometimes better not to know, and just enjoy the exercise for what it is, a good healthy thing that may help you get towards your weight loss goals a tiny bit quicker.

But for performance training, a HR monitor is well worth the money.

Just to back up my argument. Relatively hard running burns in the region of 500 calories an hour, perhaps a little more if you can really run hard, 'most' people can't especially if overweight. To lose 1 lb of fat from running it will take you 7 days, 7 hours of hard running for a measly pound.

You would end up overtrained and injured in no time doing that.

Brisk walking - around 200-250 cals per hour, and at a level where fat will be the primary fuel source.

Sitting in bed and not moving at all - Around 56 calories per hour for a smallish female.

Doing normal daily chores, walking, housework, fidgeting - probably around 80-90 calories per hour avg over the day.

So, brisk walking a few times per week with a moderate calorie deficit is by far the best way to lose fat. Cardio is not great for it, you also get more hungry.

Weight training is good for the increase in lean muscle mass and they increased metabolism as you get more muscle. Not huge, but you get the benefits all the time.

You burn fat all day, it is the 23 hours that you are not exercising that counts.

Good luck
Mar 10th '14 14:33 PM
After dealing with the insanity of the Fitbit and their recall with a serious lack of updates to their paying customers I am annoyed. I headed out for a bike ride over the weekend (which was great) but I just tracked it using Endomondo. I think I might be over the whole exercise band deal.