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Weight Watchers weigh-ins

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Weight Watchers

' Forum started by TwylaDee, Sep 21st, 2013 at 17:40 PM.
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Sep 21st, 2013, 17:40 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 432

Weight Watchers weigh-ins

I am not so thrilled about that part of the process being so public. I know the reasoning behind it is to keep you accountable, but... it still would make me embarrassed to have every success and failure announced in a room full of people.

I like the idea of going to meetings for the social aspect, but I am not sure I want to pay to be weighed in public. I don't have anything to hide, but I don't like being put on the spot.
Sep 23rd, 2013, 13:43 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 407

I bet that everyone feels that way to a certain extent. The thing that would be the worst for me would be if I had a bad week and actually gained instead of lost a couple pounds. That happens sometimes even when I am keeping to my diet as best as I can! It would ruin my whole week to do it in a meeting and have people think I cheated.

I like the idea of having supportive friends to lose weight with, but if people are competing as to who had a better week, I wouldn't like it at all. I've never been to a meeting so I don't really know what it is like.

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